About You

 Your Needs

Wants, Dreams and Sticking Points


  • Are you at the point where are thinking of making a change  but find you have little or not enough  motivation or desire to act and do the things you want to do?


  • Perhaps you find that your attempts to make things happen never seem to manifest or if they do, not a pace that satisfies you?


  • Maybe you build up projects, businesses or relationships only to see them collapse around you?


  • Do  you find that you are consciously aware of  your negative behaviours and patterns of behaviour and you can even trace them back to their origins, yet this does not seem to change your situation?


  • Would   you like to  turn these situations around and get your life moving in the direction you desire?



What I can Do for You



  • Uncover What is blocking, sabotaging or offerring resitance to you progress


  • Clarify your values so you set meaningful goals for yourself


  • Create an actionable plan


  • As You make progress consistently provide supportive


  • Tips
  • Tools
  • Strategies


  • Assist and offer support whilst you are taking the action steps required to achieve your goals


If you would like to learn more about what we have to offer or

to take advantage of an Introductory Free 25 Minute coaching consultation.


Contact Me Today



Text / Mobile

+44 077 5859 8787

These interventions offer a great complementary approach that can be used safely alongside  traditional medically assisted programs.